Monika Radikė (Aržanauskaitė), MD PhD FRCR

I see heart, lungs and light, among other things

Courses and Presentations

I regularly teach at cardiovascular, thoracic and (naturally) cardiothoracic imaging scientific events and courses. In my teaching material, I focus on the latest evidence base, state-of-the-art imaging techniques; I adapt to the audience level/background and seek interactiveness in my methods for the best learning outcomes.
I am available for future events - for a proposal, drop me a line using the contact details above. 

You may have recently seen me:
- In Athens, SCMR Level 1 courses led by Dr Evangelia Nyktari
- In Lithuania (project specific) 
- At the ESCR Young Club Cardiovascular Course 2024 (Gdansk) 
- At the NWSOR deanery events
- At scientific conferences such as RSNA, ECR, ESTI, ESCR and others

Publicly available presentations and teaching files are listed below. 


Some presentations are available on society webinar directories (access may be subject to membership)