Monika Radikė (Aržanauskaitė), MD PhD FRCR

I see heart, lungs and light, among other things

Surname story

Why did I change my surname?

After *many* years of talking about this, in 2022, I finally changed my surname to my grandfather's. 

(talk about sitting on the fence)

Essentially, I jumped two generations back. 

Blissfully, growing up, I spent many summers, weekends and holidays in a small town by the seaside, in the care of my grandparents. My grandfather's name was Povilas Radikas. He was a mathematics and physics teacher and, in fact, an artist. Most importantly, he was my teacher of kindness, joy, peace, patience, resilience, curiosity & deep knowledge, photography, literature, love for nature & family. 

Changing one's surname is messy. Even more so in academia. But as we live in a digital age, I am positive my work will stay well recorded. 

As a bonus, the new (older!) surname is WAY easier to pronounce (->Rááádikė). You are welcome!
I took my grandather's surname. Photos: From the best porridges and sweet naps to conversations, bicycle rides, books, science magazines, questions and answers on photography and universe.